Tuesday, September 01, 2009

getting caught up - again

I'm coming up for air after a busy six weeks. Expect to see several posts here in the next few days. There are several fun events to cover - a conference/tour of Toronto, a vacation with my parents across the Great Plains and the resumption of classes. Thankfully, I'm teaching the same course this fall that I taught last fall. It's still a fair amount of work, but not the all-consuming task that it was last year. And just this Monday I submitted a big proposal to the Department of Energy. So I'm enjoying the chance to catch my breath for a few days. I'm looking forward to a trip to the Southwest for Labor Day. Then it's back to work on new proposals, updates on existing proposals and presentations to prepare.
Sadly, summer is clearly at an end here. We are still getting up into the low 70s during the day, but it's been dipping down into the 40s at night. Pretty soon I'll be turning on the heat.
It sounds like everyone is having their own adventures returning to school or helping their kids start/return to school. It's nice to be back in the swing of things here and have a (somewhat) regular routine.