Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ash Flurries

Gainesville has been smoky and hazy for the past few days. Wildfires in Georgia have been the cause of most of the smoke, but a local brush fire started on Monday. This evening while I was driving home and walking Sheba there was ash falling from the sky. Flurries in Florida, especially in May, are a strange sight.

There's nothing exceptional happening here. I am staying busy with work and taking care of my pets. Sheba and I are nearly finished with a 6-week obedience class. The class is held in the parking lot of the local community college. This college also has a "teaching zoo", so while we are at obedience class I can hear the zoo's peacocks vocalizing. It makes me very nostalgic for the Los Angeles Zoo. Sheba has done pretty well at the class despite a slight stubborn streak. She has surprised me several times by already knowing the task when the teacher first introduces it. It's like she's pre-programmed and I just need to learn the access codes.

One of my posts last October dealt with the disgusting Love Bugs that are common here in September and May. Of course it is now May and I saw a pair of these guys today (in the lab!). Argh, it is only a sign of bad things to come.

I saw the new Spiderman movie this past weekend. It was better than the first installment, but not as good as the second. I really like the sweet, dorky cuteness of Peter Parker, so the evil "goth" Peter Parker was bothersome. Surprisingly, this was the first movie I have seen in Gainesville. I guess the fact that the majority of the movies coming out these days do not appeal to me is a sign that I am getting old. Speaking of non-appealing movies, on netflix's recommendation I tried to watch West Side Story and boy was it terrible. I didn't even finish it.

I took my male cat to the vet for what appeared to be an injured paw; he had been holding the foot up all week. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with his paw and speculated that he was feeling neglected in the wake of Sheba's adoption. At least he seemed to realize that faking an injury would land him at the vet's office because he has pretty much "recovered".

5.9.07 Addendum:
After complaining about the smoke and ash here, I logged onto CNN and MSNBC this morning to find that Los Angeles is apparently burning. The fire is in Griffith Park, so it's close to the zoo and downtown LA. It's been a little scary reading the news stories and seeing places that I recognize.


Blogger Beawhiz said...

I could see the smoke from the Griffith Park fire from school. Ash dusted the yard (aka playground) the next day. I didn't think about it until a couple of days later, but then I wondered if all the animals were okay from breathing all that smoke.

I still use my hotmail email, but you can catch me on my gmail as well. My tag is busweet. : ) Hope you're doing well.

9:53 PM EDT  

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