Friday, May 22, 2009

The Secret Path

Now that the weather is warm, I can consistently walk to and from work. It's only a mile each way. And sometimes I try to come home for lunch. The activity points that I earn walking almost pay for the candy that I eat out of the jar on the secretary's desk. Here's the path I usually take:

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My neighbor previously told me about a secret path through the woods with a "scary" bridge. I've seen people ducking in and out of the woods, but was holding off exploring until all of the winter ice and mud was gone. On Monday I decided to try the trail. What a treat! Instead of the sun-exposed sidewalk on the busy, noisy streets, the trail through the woods is quiet, shaded and green. And yes, the bridge is a bit scary - not only is it missing a few planks, but it also has a general tilt. So I only take this trail when I'm wearing sensible shoes. But it's still a nice change of pace. I don't think it's any shorter or quicker, but it's a delight.


Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like one faulty step and you'd be in big trouble on that bridge.

9:37 PM EDT  

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